Gajendra Moksham
Gajendra Moksham
नारायणाखिलगुरो भगवन् नमस्ते
Gajendra Moksham from Srimad Bhagavatam. Gajendra who in previous birth was King Indradyumna a great Vishnu Bhakta. When Gajendra went to pond a Makar caught him in leg. In his Helplessness Gajendra called Narayana with a Lotus in hand.Hearing Gajendra's prayer Narayana rushes in his Garuda Vahan and saved Gajendra. Here, Gajendra is signified as human & Makar as cycle of Pap & Punya. Ultimate surrender to Bhagwan will attain everything. Here Lotus is termed as Moksha.
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